The peak body representing women lawyers in NSW for the advancement of women in the legal profession.

Women Lawyers Association of NSW

07 MARCH 2005    


Dear Members & Colleagues

As you may know, on 24 February 2005 the Taskforce on Care Costs launched its report: Creating Choice - Employment and the Cost of Care. The Taskforce found that the high cost of care (for children, elders and people with a disability) has a direct relationship with levels of workforce participation and

  • 1 in 4 workers is likely to leave the workforce because of the cost of care;
  • 1 in 4 workers has already reduced their hours of work because of the cost of care.

Add your support for TOCC by forwarding this ecard with the 5 key recommendations to the Prime Minister, the Treasurer and the Minister for FACS at the addresses noted on the ecard, and to other relevant politicians including your colleagues and networks. You can also download the Taskforce's report from the neeopa website

Louise Byrne


10 March 2005, Thursday 6pm
"Women and the Legal Profession"

Speaker: The Honourable Justice Jane Mathews.
Presented by Amnesty International NSW Legal Network at PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal, Tower 2 Level 10, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney. Entry by gold coin or note donation.
RSVP: Penny Holloway

Click here for full details and invitation.

11 March 2005, Friday 5.30pm
Celebrating International Women's Day
Garden Court, Sofitel Wentworth Sydney, Level 5, 61-101 Phillip Street, Sydney. Celebrating International Women's Day and launching our "Sydney Networking" events, please join us with distinguished guest, Her Honour Judge Ainslie-Wallace. With the laid back sounds of live jazz and complimentary French champagne from 6-7pm, this fabulous venue will be sure to enhance your networking talents!
No booking required - just turn up!

11 March 2005, Friday 1pm
Newcastle Networking "Informal Gatherings"

Sticky Rice Thai Restaurant, 19 Scott Street, Newcastle. BYO, cheap and cheerful - no need to book, just turn up! A great opportunity to network, catch up with the latest news and colleagues. This regular monthly event will be held on the 2nd Friday, so diarise 8th April, 13th May, 10th June, 8th July, 12th August, 9th September, 11th October, 11th November.

Rates are on the move! A message from our major sponsor, National Australia Bank

Now is the time to consider your options. 'Should I fix my home loan now; what are the implications if I wait?' Have these questions and concerns answered by talking to the National Australia Bank, major sponsor of the WLANSW. Megan Pizzey, Mobile Mortgage Manager, is available to meet you at a time and place convenient to you. Contact Megan now on 02 9903 0145 or 0410 342 173 for an obligation free consultation and take advantage of the range of products and services provided to WLANSW members and colleagues by the National. For Newcastle area, please call Sherife Huseyin on 02 4945 6906.

For further details visit

In Other News

Senate Inquiry into the Criminal Code Amendment (Trafficking in Persons Offences) Bill 2004 [2005]

On Wednesday 23 February, the Senate Legal and Constitution Committee held a hearing into the Federal Criminal Code Amendment (Trafficking in Persons Offences) Bill 2004 [2005]. Australian Women Lawyers had endorsed submissions made to the inquiry by World Vision Australia, which advocated for a more comprehensive scheme of offences targeting instances of child trafficking. Lee-May Saw, WLANSW media officer, appeared at the hearing to assist World Vision in answering legal questions and to represent AWL. World Vision has since issued AWL and WLANSW with letters of appreciation for the assistance provided by women lawyers throughout the inquiry.

Copies of World Vision's submissions and the additional material submitted to the Senate Committee post-hearing will soon be available on the new Policy and Law Reform page of the website:

Events and News:
Check the latest updates at

New members join at half year rates!
Ordinary Member $47.50, Regional Member $37.50, Student/Unemployed Member $11.25 (inclusive of GST). Click here for membership application form detailing your benefits /pdf/Membership%20Application%2020042005.pdf

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Email us to check your membership status:

Please feel free to pass this email onto colleagues and ensure they are on our email list for future updates and invitations.

For more information contact us
Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc.
DX11563 Sydney Downtown/ 14A Lonsdale Close, Lake Haven NSW 2263
Ph: (02) 4392 1185 Fax: (02) 4392 9410
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