The peak body representing women lawyers in NSW for the advancement of women in the legal profession.

Women Lawyers Association of NSW

25 August 2005    

Dear Members & Colleagues

For those of you unable to attend one of the rare occasions where a Justice of the High Court has spoken so openly about life on the bench of the highest court in the land please see the link below to the speech given by Justice Michael McHugh in Newcastle last week.

I urge you to consider our other upcoming events listed below and thank Blake Dawson Waldron, in particular, Liz Broderick, for generously opening up their offices for our seminar with a difference on the 5th September.

Louise Byrne

5.30pm Monday 5 September 2005
"Speaking, eating and running - the do's and dont's for busy lawyers" Hosted by Blake Dawson Waldron, Level 36 Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street Sydney. Internationally acclaimed Nutritionist Prof. Jennie Brand-Miller is known as the major exponent of the glycaemic index, accomplished author and media personality. Joined by Dimity Thompson, Physiotherapist and Lucy Cornell, Voice Coach, our expert panel will enhance your personal and professional presence whilst giving you some top tips in improving your physical well-being. A session you can't afford to miss! Members $15 Non-Members $25.
Click here for details and registration form (PDF 159Kb)

Members Only invitation to Private Political Luncheons. Following the success of our lunch series last year, we are delighted to invite members to this year's series at the Strangers Dining Room NSW Parliament House. This will provide an opportunity for WLANSW members to network with State female MPs of all parties in an informal environment to discuss their views and their party's policies on various issues.
15th September: Labor Party hosted by The Hon. Dr. Meredith Burgmann MLC
21st September: Liberal Party hosted by The Hon. Patricia Forsythe MP
12th October: Cross Benches hosted by The Hon. Sylvia Hale
Numbers strictly limited. Click here for details and registration form (PDF 112Kb)

Newcastle Networking "Informal Gathering" meet for lunch on the 2nd Friday of each month, 1pm at the Sticky Rice Thai Restaurant, 19 Scott Street, Newcastle. No need to book, just turn up! The next lunch will be on Friday 9th September. A great opportunity to network, catch up with the latest news and colleagues. Please diarise this regular monthly event: 14th October, 11th November

"Working as a High Court Judge" - sold out event 17 August 2005, Newcastle
Parting challenge … Justice Michael McHugh believes more women should be appointed to the High Court. The High Court judge Michael McHugh has challenged the Federal Government to replace him with a woman when he steps down in November, and says there are at least 10 who are qualified for the job. Read more...
Working as a High Court judge.pdf, 17 August 2005
McHughsAngels.pdf, August 19, 2005

LAST CALL FOR YOUR SAY: Sex Discrimination Commissioner's project: Striking the Balance With Work and Family. The Committee is particularly interested in receiving comments, opinions and information relating to the issues raised in Chapter 7: Anti-Discrimation Legislation and Family Responsibilities and Chapter 8: Workplace Relations, Policies and Practices and the Business Case For Change of the discussion paper. Please forward to by 3 September 2005.
Go to:
Click here for discussion paper (PDF, 2Mb)

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