The peak body representing women lawyers in NSW for the advancement of women in the legal profession.

Women Lawyers Association of NSW

6 October 2005    

Dear Members & Colleagues

Appointment of Justice Susan Crennan to the High Court
APR_SusanCrennan_ourNewHighCourtJudge.pdf AWL in particular, and each of its constituent bodies has put a considerable effort this year into lobbying for another woman to be appointed to the High Court and it appears that our efforts have paid off. We welcome this appointment, first and foremost for Justice Crennan’s obvious ability and suitability for the position.

Looking forward to seeing you at some of the following October events.

Louise Byrne

13 October 2005, Thursday 6-8pm
"Judicial Appointments - Diversity, Transparency and Quality" WLANSW and NSW Young Lawyers invite you to a FREE Seminar at the AGL Theatre, Museum of Sydney, 37 Phillip St (Cnr Bridge), Sydney. Speakers: Mr. John McIntyre, President, Law Society of NSW; Her Honour Judge Gay Murrell SC, District Court of NSW; Mr. Michael Slattery QC, Vice-President, NSW Bar Association; The Hon Justice Terry Sheahan, President, Workers Compensation Commission (Former NSW Attorney General)
Click here for details Bookings essential by 11th October to: Melanie Domingo, NSW Young Lawyers, Phone: (02) 9926 0268 Email:

Members Only invitation to Private Political Luncheons. Following the success of our lunch series last year, the Labor & Liberal Party lunches earlier this month, we have a few places available for 12th October Cross Benches lunch at the Strangers Dining Room NSW Parliament House. This will provide an opportunity for WLANSW members to network with State female MPs in an informal environment to discuss their views and their party's policies on various issues.
15th September: Labor Party hosted by The Hon. Dr. Meredith Burgmann MLC
21st September: Liberal Party hosted by The Hon. Patricia Forsythe MP
12th October: Cross Benches hosted by The Hon. Sylvia Hale MLC
Numbers strictly limited. Click here for details and registration form (PDF 112Kb)

CMS One-Day Sydney CPD Conferences: WLANSW member discount rates included in the pricing saving you over 20% on standard registration fees.
24th October, 2005 "2nd Annual Property & Environmental Law Conference 2005" will provide and essential legal update including tax changes, environmental law changes and the impact these will have. Click here for registration and more details

Call for replacement Committee of Management representative: Judge Rainbow Memorial Fund Inc. The Judge Rainbow Memorial Fund Inc. operates a half way house in Glebe for ex-prisoners and men on parole or remand. WLA has had a representative on this committee for more than 20 years as the Fund has also previously provided accommodation to women ex-prisoners and for mothers of infants who had a period of their sentence to serve. The women’s facility at Ashfield was closed early in the 1990s when demand for the service diminished, as the women were shown to be better able to find their own accommodation on release. The Committee meets once a month at 5.30 pm on the third Tuesday of the month at Wigram Road, Glebe in the cottage attached to the house. The current president is (retired DCJ) Harvey Cooper and the vice president is Lynn Rainbow the daughter of the founder of the fund, Judge Alfred Rainbow. The committee includes members of the judiciary, state parliamentarians (current and retired), journalists and other business people, both active and retired.The Committee is looking to welcome a new WLA representative to provide fresh ideas to assist in the ongoing functions of the committee and the services provided by the Fund. For further information or to express your interest please contact Jeanette Tancred on 8251 7777 or email:

Newcastle Networking "Informal Gathering" meet for lunch on the 2nd Friday of each month, 1pm at the Sticky Rice Thai Restaurant, 19 Scott Street, Newcastle. No need to book, just turn up! The next lunch will be on Friday 14th October. A great opportunity to network, catch up with the latest news and colleagues. Please diarise this regular monthly event: 11th November

14 October 2005, Friday 12.45-2.15pm
"Bar Readers Welcome & Networking Lunch"
Buena Vista Cafe Bar, Supreme Law Courts Building, Level 14, 184 Phillip St, Sydney.
No charge; attendees pay for own lunch - view menu at To ensure adequate seating, please register your attendance to:

11 October 2005, Tuesday 7.30-9am CPD Breakfast Seminar
"Superior Courts in Transition" guest speaker, Rt Hon Dame Sian Elias, GNZM, Chief Justice of NZ at the Union Club, 25 Bent St, Sydney $60pp, concessions for bookings 6+. Contact Malcolm Longstaff, Executive Officer, Anglo-Australasian Lawyers Society for further details and bookings: (02) 9988 3563 or

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Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc.
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