The peak body representing women lawyers in NSW for the advancement of women in the legal profession.

Women Lawyers Association of NSW

10 October 2006    

Dear Members & Colleagues

The inaugural Australian Women Lawyers Conference held in Sydney 28-30 September, more than achieved its aim of "Celebrating Excellence". It was a great success and received widespread national press coverage. Thank you to those who attended from NSW to show your support for the national body and for the speakers. The content and quality of the papers was truly outstanding. We will have a report and photo gallery available shortly.

Congratulations to newly appointed Silks: Elizabeth Wilkins, Leonie Flannery and Katrina Howard

In the evening of Tuesday 3 October, I had the pleasure of addressing attendees on behalf of WLA at the UNSW Mentoring Program Launch hosted by Freehills. Justice Catherine Branson was the guest speaker and provided an inspiring insight into her own experiences as a woman lawyer. Womens' Officer for the UNSW Law Society, Angela Chong, chaired the event and arranged matching of mentees with their mentors. Thanks to committee  members Freya Mocsari and Lee-May Saw for also attending this event to promote the benefits of WLA membership. An array of female practitioners attended the event including members of the judiciary, barristers, solicitors in private practice, in house counsel, community legal centre lawyers, public prosecutors and even an animal rights lawyer.

We look forward to seeing you on 9 November for the launch of the Women Lawyers NSW Achievement Awards & Advancing Women in Law Programs, and our October events as detailed below.

Kind regards

Louise Byrne


Friday 20 October,  12:45 PM — 2:00 PM
Bar Readers Welcome & Networking Lunch at Buena Vista Cafe & Bar, Level 14, Supreme Law Courts Building, 184 Phillip St, Sydney
No charge; non-reader attendees pay for own lunch - view menu on the Buena Vista Café website . Please register your attendance: to ensure adequate seating.

MEMBERS ONLY INVITATION TO PRIVATE POLITICAL LUNCHEONS at the Strangers Dining Room NSW Parliament House - Liberal Party: 25 October, Cross Benches: 22 November   The Labor Party Luncheon 6 September provided some lively discussion and positive indication to further develop our relationships. Numbers limited - click here for registration details.

Thursday 9 November, 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM
Cocktail Launch: Women Lawyers NSW Achievement Awards & Advancing Women in Law Programs at Sheraton on the Park Sydney

We are delighted to announce progression of our programs for 2007 and invite you to join us and distinguished guests at the official launch. Click here for details and registration.

Inquiry into the impact of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth)
The NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice is conducting an inquiry into the impact of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) that was introduced by the federal government on 1 July this year. The inquiry will examine:
(a)The impact of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) on women and children in NSW; and
(b)  The impact of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 (Cth) on the operation of court orders that can prevent family violence perpetrators coming into contact with their families.
The committee encourages members, especially members who are family law practitioners, with any comments or case studies that may be relevant to this inquiry to forward these to Kathryn McKenzie, Executive Officer, at by Thursday, 19 October 2006. For further information about the inquiry click here.


Taskforce on Care Costs - an invitation to attend the launch of TOCC's latest report "Care Costs: Where to Next?"
Join some of Australia's leading business, political and community leaders: Wednesday 18th October, 10.30am-12.00pm, Level 23, Westpac Place, 275 Kent St, Sydney. Click here for further details.

Tuesday 31 October, 5.30 for 6pm Frank Moorhouse "Freedom of Expression in a Time of Terror" at Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts. FREE ADMISSION, bookings advisable. Bestselling author and Sydney PEN Writers Panel member Frank Moorhouse has played a critical role in defending freedom of speech since the 60s. Click here for details or visit 

UNIFEM Australia, together with our Peace Scholarship Program Patrons The Hon. Michael Black, Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia and The Hon. Diana Bryant, Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia, would like to extend a warm invitation for dinner in support of The UNIFEM Peace Scholarship Program - a program that will fund 10 women Law Scholarship Awardees from Afghanistan to study in Australia over the next 5 years. Please join us at 7pm, on Wednesday 1st of November 2006 at Sofitel Wentworth Sydney. Tickets cost $180 each or sponsor a table of 10 starting from $3000. Register online, email to, Phone us on 02 8437 6228, Visit 

Wednesday 8 November, 5.30 for 6pm The Clare Burton Memorial Lecture 2006 "Jobs, Care and Justice: A Fair Work Regime for Australia"  with Prof Barbara Pocock, Director of the Centre for Work + Life, University of South Australia. women @ UTS and the ATN Women's Executive Development Program (WEXDEV) warmly invite you to this free annual public event at UTS Broadway. Click here for details. 

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Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc.
DX11563 Sydney Downtown/ 14A Lonsdale Close, Lake Haven NSW 2263
Ph: (02) 4392 1185 Fax: (02) 4392 9410
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