The peak body representing women lawyers in NSW for the advancement of women in the legal profession.

Women Lawyers Association of 


15 December 2010

Dear Members & Colleagues

Following our AGM on 16th November 2010, I am delighted to be elected President. I would like to thank the outgoing President, Mary Snell and outgoing committee members. Please click here to view the President’s Report from the AGM. The newly elected committee met recently and planning is underway for the new year, and I look forward to bringing you further updates.

One of our aims for 2011 is to continue to participate in the debate on diversity on boards and diversity in senior positions of the legal profession. It was a great pleasure to support the cocktail event on the 18 November with the Women Barristers Forum, celebrating the appointment of four new women to Senior Counsel, and we congratulate Donna Woodburne SC and Elizabeth Olsson SC on their appointments to the District Court of NSW.

Please click here to view the Australian Women Lawyers Themis November 2010 Newsletter for updates from our colleagues around the nation.

On behalf of the committee I thank you for your support during 2010 and wish you a safe and happy festive season. Please note that our office will be closed from 23rd December and will reopen 17 January.

Best wishes,

Rebecca Barry

Women Lawyers Association of NSW
Law Society of New South Wales 

principal sponsors


Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952. For further information on joining or to renew your membership: Click here for the Membership Form or contact our office.




The Family Law Clinic is one of the most in demand services of KLC. It allows us to share vital information with the community and help those in unsafe situations or who are isolated by language or other barriers.

Donate Now




Monday, November 22, 6.15pm Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts Building, 280 Pitt St, Sydney

The Australian Federation of Graduate Women NSW Inc Young Members Network,proudly presents

Free Public Lecture - L'Oreal Women in Science Prize Winner Dr Deanna D'Alessandro on tackling climate change

Where: Light refreshments, 6.30-7.30pm Lecture
Cost: Free (Donations gratefully accepted)

Click here for further details

Applications are now open for the following overseas scholarships for Indigenous postgraduate students:

  • Charlie Perkins Scholarships for postgraduate studies at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge (see attached flyer)
  • Roberta Sykes Harvard Club of Australia Scholarship for postgraduate study at Harvard University (see attached flyer)
  • Roberta Sykes Scholarships for postgraduate study at any overseas university
  • Roberta Sykes Scholarships for up to one year of overseas study, available to Indigenous Australians undertaking postgraduate studies in Australia
  • Roberta Sykes Scholarships available to Indigenous Australians to undertake short executive courses at overseas universities.

Expressions of interest should be directed, by email, to


We would be grateful if you would forward this information to interested parties.


Also, on behalf of the Trustees of the Roberta Sykes Indigenous Education Foundation, it is with sadness that we announce that Roberta passed away on Sunday afternoon 14th November 2010. She was an indomitable spirit. Roberta prodded, pushed, questioned and campaigned her whole life.  She never relented from pursuing justice for Indigenous Australia.

Invitation to attend an International Forum on Employment Relations

The Global Forum to be held in Sydney 30 March 2011 follows the highly successful World Congress on Industrial Relations held in Sydney in 2009 attended by more than 900 participants from over 40 countries. A number of keynote speakers from that congress are returning to Sydney to review international changes which have occurred since the Global Financial Crisis and its aftermath. The forum will consist of a combination of presentations and panel discussions by leading international and local experts. The Global Forum is jointly sponsored by the International Labor and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) based in Geneva, the Journal of Industrial Relations (JIR) published by the Industrial Relations Association of Australia (IRSA)  and the Workplace Research Centre (WRC) at the University of Sydney

The forum is now open for registrations with a limited amount of early bird tickets available at $450 until the 31st of December (Standard rate $550 after this date). To book and for more information please go to

CLA 17th Commonwealth Law Conference 5-9 February 2011 Hyderabad, India

What’s happened in the last 40 years?  Well, too much for us to tell you here. What’s important is that 40 years ago a group of lawyers from all over the Commonwealth came together with their ideas. They didn’t have the internet, mobile phones or fax machines but they shared a passion for the law and their ideal for the advancement of justice and a society in which human dignity is respected. Many of their ideas have changed the way we live for ever.  Think what your contribution could be in the next forty years…


The 17th Commonwealth Law Conference is returning to India after 40 years, with speakers representing some of the finest legal minds in the world today. It’s not too late to register. Visit the website at and register now. Don’t miss it.

Who are Australian Women Lawyers (AWL)
Formed in 1997, AWL is the national body representing and funded by women lawyers associations in Australia. The current AWL Patron is the Honourable Chief Justice Diana Bryant of the Family Court of Australia.


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Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc.
PO Box R1120 NSW 1225
Ph: 0466 157 087 Fax: 1300 332 183

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