Her Say! News, Views & Events – October 2013


Dear Members and Colleagues

The winners were announced at the Gala Presentation Dinner held on Friday 25th October at Dockside Cockle Bay Wharf. 

The NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards recognise the outstanding achievements of women in the law in NSW. This year the Judging Panel also awarded a ‘Highly Commended’ Award, and the winners are: 


“IN-HOUSE” WOMAN LAWYER OF THE YEAR, sponsored by Clifford Chance – Carolyn Hoy



“UP AND COMING” WOMAN LAWYER OF THE YEAR, sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers – Natasha Walls


Please click here for the Award Dinner Program noting further details of the nominees and winners, Lifetime Achievement recipient, The Hon Justice Margaret Beazley AO, our Guest Speaker, Prof Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, and our Sponsors and Supporters of our Awards. 

Life Membership honours were announced:
The Hon Justice Margaret Beazley AO
The Hon Jennifer Boland AM
Prof Rosalind Croucher
Judge Robyn Tupman
Kerrie Leotta

Photos from the Awards Presentation Dinner are available from our photographers, Happy Medium Photo Company, which you may view on their website by clicking here. 

We congratulate all of our nominees, winners and Life Membership recipients.

We thank the Law Society of NSW, the NSW Bar Association, the Department of Attorney General & Justice (NSW), the Australian Corporate Lawyer’s Association, and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency for their support and endorsement of our Awards and our Judging Panel reprentatives. 

Thank you to our Award Sponsors Clifford Chance as the proud sponsor of the “In-House Woman Lawyer of the Year” Award, and PricewaterhouseCoopers as the proud sponsor of the “Up and Coming Woman Lawyer of the Year Award”, and our Award Prize Sponsors and Door Prize Sponsors as noted below and in the Award Dinner Program.

Our Golden Girls Annual ‘High Tea’ Luncheon will be held at the Law Society Friday 15th November.

Our AGM followed by Christmas Cocktails will be held at the Union University & Schools Club on Tuesday 19th November. If you have not received your Notice of AGM with relevant documents, please contact our office. Please note that our Christmas Cocktail event is open to everyone, and we hope that you will join us and distinguished guests. 

Members of the Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales (WLANSW) noted concern that the New South Wales Legislative Assembly was due to consider amendments to the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) proposed in the form of Zoe’s Law. At a Special General Meeting held on 15 October 2013, to consider this proposed Bill, an overwhelming majority of members voted to oppose its passage into law. Please click here to view the Press Release that was distributed in this regard.

We were delighted by the announcement of seven new women Senior Counsel and congratulate the NSW Bar Association on continuing to recognise the excellence of women barristers. For the second year running, women have comprised more than a quarter of Senior Counsel appointments. We are pleased to extend our congratulations to Julia Baly, Sally Dowling, Michelle Painter, Helen Wilson, Penelope Wass, Rashelle Seiden, and Margaret Allars. Please join us in honouring the new appointees at a cocktail event to be held jointly with the Women Barristers Forum, Thursday 21st November at Verandah. Please click here for the details and registration. 

I look forward to seeing you at our AGM and other events leading up to the holidays. 

Kind regards,


Margaret Holz

31 October 2013


Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952.

For further information on joining or to renew your membership please contact our office or visit our website.

Click here for the Membership Form.

Justice Beazley accepting her Lifetime Achievement Award Justice Beazley accepting her Life Achievement Award
Justice Beazley with WLANSW Patron Justice Mathews and WLANSW President Margaret Holz Justice Beazley with WLANSW Patron Justice Mathews and WLANSW President Margaret Holz
Our 2013 Award Winners with Justice Mathews and Margaret Holz

Occasionally, we hear about a cause that is deserving of our support….

ActionAid Australia has funded a paralegal training program in Afghanistan to assist victims of domestic violence to access and navigate the justice system. As in all countries, victims of domestic violence are predominantly women and children.
The program was the subject of a successful pilot and is now being implemented.  However, there is a shortfall in funding of approximately $20,000.

For information about this project, visit http://www.actionaid.org/australia/empowering-and-communities-end-violence-against-women-afghanistan

Golden Girls Annual Lunch 

12.30pm Friday 15th November 2013
The Law Society of NSW, 170 Phillip Street, Sydney

Please join us at the Law Society of NSW for a ‘high tea’ luncheon. Our annual luncheon provides an opportunity for our retired colleagues and Life Members to reconnect and impart their knowledge and experience to others. 

A rare occasion to be able to meet with some of our founding and pioneering women. All welcome. Please ensure you register prior to ensure adequate seating and catering. $25pp Please click here for the Registration Form. 

 Retaining and Advancing Women in Professional Services

Meeting the needs of the future workplace
One-day Connected Forum, 31 January 2014, Sydney

* Developing a strategic career-framework
* Reinvigorating your diversity program
* Integrating and promoting flexible work practices
* Understanding gender unconscious bias

Hear from our expert panel of speakers:

PricewaterhouseCoopers, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, K&L Gates, Slater & Gordon, Baker & McKenzie, Pitcher Partners, Clayton Utz, DCA, The College of Law Australia & New Zealand, Law Council of Australia




The theme for National Telework Week 2013 will focus on the development of the skills and capability for organisations to successfully implement telework as part of their flexible workplace practices.  This is responding to evidence that the principal barrier to Australia matching international trends in telework uptake is the lack of confidence and skills among managers in managing a workforce that includes employees working remotely using digital technologies.

Make a Difference – Palms Australia Global Volunteer Program

Palms Australia is committed to reducing the impact of poverty through connecting skilled Australians with communities in need via an established network of partners throughout Asia, Africa and the Pacific. Palms’ builds capacity and further advances community efforts to achieve self-reliance. 

You may have the skills being requested by developing communities and you can assist the work of Palms by becoming involved in our Global Volunteer Program and thus increase understanding. By supporting Palms, you have the opportunity to assist a developing community. Moreover, you will be recognised for contribution to professional development and engage cross-cultural opportunities.

Please download the flyer or contact the office as noted below for further information.

Camila Macagnan, Office Volunteer
Palms Australia, PO Box 976, GLEBE NSW 2037
ph: +61 2 9518 9551 fx: +61 2 9518 9550
e: recruitment@palms.org.au web: www.palms.org.au
Palms Australia: Opening our hands to the World

We wish to thank and acknowledge their support of our 2013 NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards:













Please feel free to pass this email onto colleagues and ensure they are on our email list for future updates and invitations.

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For more information contact us:

Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc. Po Box R1120 NSW 1225
Ph: 0466 157 087 Fax: 1300 332 183

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