What change do you want to see in the profession?


What change do you want to see in the profession?

The Women Lawyers Association of NSW annual survey is in full swing, with nearly 100 responses already received. If you have not yet shared the change that you want to see in the profession – please take 5 minutes to do so now.

The survey is your chance to help us make a difference to your experience as a woman in law in NSW, as the results will be used by us to plan events, initiatives and projects to drive the change you want to see in 2014.

Simply click here to access the survey and have your say in the change that you want WLANSW to champion in 2014:

1.     A legal profession where talented women have what they need to progress unimpeded into leadership positions

2.     A transformation of traditional billing models in the legal profession to recognise value rather than hours spent at your desk

3.     A network of support and resources for women wanting to start a legal practice

4.     A more flexible legal profession, where work/life balance can be achieved

5.     A thriving social and professional network of women lawyers in NSW

Thank you to the many members that have already responded, your input is valued, and we look forward to hearing from other members and colleagues  

Kind regards,

Natasha Walls

If you cannot access the hyperlink, please go to this URL to access the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/T8D2RLW

Survey responses can also be sent by return email to executive@womenlawyersnsw.org.au and all responses will be treated confidentially.

12th December 2013


Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952.

For further information on joining or to renew your membership please contact our office or visit our website.

Click here for the Membership Form.


Who are Australian Women Lawyers (AWL)?

Formed in 1997, AWL is the national body representing and funded by women lawyers associations in Australia. The current AWL Patron is the Honourable Chief Justice Diana Bryant of the Family Court of Australia.

Please feel free to pass this email onto colleagues and ensure they are on our email list for future updates and invitations.

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For more information contact us:

Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc. Po Box R1120 NSW 1225
Ph: 0466 157 087 Fax: 1300 332 183

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