May 16, 2011


Dear Members & Colleagues We are proud to present three of our signature events, the annual “Law as a Career-Coming to the Bar” hosted this year by Martin Place Chambers 18 May; the biannual “Janet Coombs Lunch for New Female Bar Readers” co-hosted with the Women Barristers Forum 20 May, and the official launch of our biennial “2011 NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards” on the 1st June.We are also pleased to continue our support of the annual Macquarie University’s Women, Management and Work Conference that will inspire and inform women who are looking for insights and key tips to develop their leadership skills. The theme this year is Women &amp-delete Leadership: Ignite Your Strengths which is very much aligned to our focus this year.Details are noted below and I look forward to seeing you at an event soon.Kind regards,

Rebecca Barry

16 May 2011


Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952.

For further information on joining or to renew your membership please contact our office or visit our website.

Click here for the Membership Form.

“Law as a Career – Coming to the Bar”

Wednesday May 18th 2011, 5:30 PM -7:30 PM
Martin Place Chambers, Level 6, 65 Martin Place, Sydney

Guest Speakers: Hon Justice Ainslie-Wallace, Lee-May Saw, Barrister & WLANSW Committee Member & AWL Representative; Susan Price, Executive Lawyer, Bartier Perry & WLANSW Committee Member

Our panel of guest speakers will share their experiences in their respective legal careers, coming to the bar, and directions their careers have taken.

Our panel of guest speakers will share their experiences in their respective legal careers, coming to the bar, and directions their careers have taken. Light refreshments provided; no charge; bookings essential to:

Janet Coombs Lunch for New Female Barristers

Friday May 20th 2011, 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM

Buena Vista Cafe & Bar

Level 14, Supreme Law Courts Building,184 Phillip St, Sydney

Please join us and distinguished guests for our biannual lunch and meet the new women at the NSW Bar. Hosted by the Women Barristers Forum and WLANSW. No charge; non-reader attendees pay for their own lunch. Please register your attendance to ensure adequate seating and prompt service:

Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW Inc

invites you to join us and distinguished guests for the official launch of the

2011 NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards

5.30-7.30pm, Wednesday 1st June 2011

Union, University & Schools Club of Sydney

25 Bent St, Sydney

We wish to acknowledge the support of:
NSW Bar Association
Law Society of NSW

Attorney General’s Department of NSW

Australian Corporate Lawyers Association

Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace AgencyPlease click here for the registration form or contact us:



Women, Management & Work Conference
Women Leadership: Ignite Your Strengths

28 & 29 July 2011

Sofitel Sydney Wentworth

Discover your strengths at the Women, Management & Work 2-Day Conference .


Are you looking to further your leadership skills and be inspired by leading Australian women? This year’s Macquarie University’s annual Women, Management and Work Conference will inspire and inform women who are looking for insights and key tips to develop their leadership skills. The theme is Women & Leadership: Ignite Your Strengths and it’s all about discovering and igniting your strengths.

In presentations and workshops, expert speakers will provide practical advice on negotiation, communication, mentoring and career development. You will also share in the journey of successful women leaders and learn how they did it!

For any woman in the corporate or business world who has dreamt about being a more effective leader – this is a must attend conference!

Be inspired by leading speakers:

  • Dr Fiona Wood AM – Head of Royal Perth Hospital Burn Unit
  • Lynelle Briggs – CEO of Medicare
  • Anna Booth – Board Director & Policy Developer
  • Andrea Culligan – Managing Director, Unimail and 2009 Telstra Businesswoman of the Year
  • Captain Michele Miller – Director, Navy People Career Management Agency
  • Robyn Merchant – Senior Director, Organisation & Talent, Oracle Corporation Asia Pacific
  • Jane Scarlett – General Manager, Human Resources, Lend Lease

WLANSW Members special discounted rate of $1725.00(inc.GST) Normal fee is $2300.00

FOR MORE INFORMATION or TO REGISTER , or download and complete the registration form and payment method and forward to:

ALB “Leadership for Women in Law” Masterclass 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011, 8.30am-5pm

Sir Stamford, 93 Macquarie Street, Sydney

Program highlights:

  • The current industry landscape for women in law and progress on reform in the legal profession
  • Key legislative updates and analysis of court decisions in contract law
  • Gender diversity on Boards: Compliance with ASX Recommendations and the impact on the business environment
  • Recent developments in employment law with a focus on paid parental leave and flexible work arrangements
  • Pathway to partnership: Strategies to foster career development for women in law
  • Women in leadership: Effective coaching and mentoring for leadership development
  • Essential business development skills for women in law: Increase your negotiating power and improve the bottom line skills for women in law: Increase your negotiating power and improve the bottom line

Registration information:

Early bird pricing (Register and pay by 25 March 2011)

  • Individual pass $874.50 inc gst
  • Team pass $2623.50 inc gst (4 for the price of 3)
  • WLANSW & AWL Members receive 10% off registrationRegister online or click here to download the pdf flyer.

Expressions of Interest in Judging for the Australian Law Students Association (ALSA) July Conference for 2011

This year the conference will be hosted at The University of New South Wales (UNSW).  Approximately 40 Universities from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and India will send 400 of their top competitors to compete in what are regarded as the most prestigious national intervarsity competitions in the Australasian region. The competitions include the National Championship Moot, International Humanitarian Law Moot, Sir Laurence Street Negotiations Competition, Witness Examination, Client Interviewing and Paper Presentation.An important aspect of this conference is to involve distinguished members of legal profession to participate as judges in the preliminary rounds of the competitions. Being able to draw upon such experience is of great benefit and privilege to competitors. It also provides judges with an opportunity to mentor the lawyers of the future and some of the brightest minds in Australia.The preliminary rounds are on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 July 2011. We would be extremely grateful if you would be able to organise an internal email to relevant practice groups. Practitioners with experience in criminal law, tort law, property law and dispute resolution would be particularly suitable for the array of competitions and problem scenarios that we have lined up. Prior judging experience and participation is helpful but not required. An informational video and guide will be sent out to all registered judges.Individuals interested in participating as a judge on either or both days can submit an expression of interest via the link provided below. The application will only take a couple of minutes to complete.Application for expression of interest:

Click here for a summary of the details and a guide as to the different competitions that will be hosted at the ALSA conference this year.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Judges Co-ordinator Contact Kathan Sethi on 0405 558 256 or Michelle Hwang, the National Mooting Competition Co-ordinator on 0425254126.


Email to go in the draw with the subject heading ‘Oranges’. Only winners will be contacted.

From the Academy Award-winning producers of THE KING’S SPEECH comes an incredible story of courage and compassion. ORANGES AND SUNSHINE tells the true story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham who uncovered one of the most significant social scandals of recent times: the deportation of thousands of children from the United Kingdom to Australia. Almost single-handedly, against overwhelming odds and with little regard for her own well-being, Margaret reunited thousands of families, brought authorities to account and drew worldwide attention to an extraordinary miscarriage of justice.
Releasing in cinemas 9 June. Click here for the trailer and more details.


Email to go in the draw with the subject heading ‘Here I Am’. Only winners will be contacted.

Here I Am is a new Australian feature film written and directed by a young Indigenous woman, Beck Cole (First Australians, Making Samson & Delilah) and made by the creative team behind Samson & Delilah (producer Kath Shelper and cinematographer Warwick Thornton). Karen (Shai Pittman) is a beautiful young woman with a dark past, but she’s got potential and she knows it. Fresh out of prison, she finds herself on the streets with a burning desire to turn her life around but no one to call for help. Eventually she finds a haven at a shelter for women. With the support of her new community of friends, Karen begins the journey of reconnecting with her estranged mother (Prof Marcia Langton, AM) and her young daughter, and she is soon propelled to face the most difficult truths of her life. But she’s determined never to give up. Here I Am is a story of great hope and courage. At the heart of the story are themes of strength, resilience, humour and the solidarity of women. Here I Am releases nationally in cinemas on 2 June

Who are Australian Women Lawyers (AWL)?

Formed in 1997, AWL is the national body representing and funded by women lawyers associations in Australia. The current AWL Patron is the Honourable Chief Justice Diana Bryant of the Family Court of Australia.

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For more information contact us:

Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc.
PO Box R1120 NSW 1225
Ph: 0466 157 087 Fax: 1300 332 183

Copyright © 2011 Women Lawyers Association of NSW.

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