Spring has certainly reinvigorated us all, and there is a new energy it seems with so much activity and events on offer!
We are delighted to partner with the Law Society of NSW for the Thought Leadership Panel Discussion Luncheon Event held on 18 September, and completely sold-out. We look forward to bringing further information on these discussions and upcoming events for the remainder of the year.
Some dates to note include The Janet Coombs Lunch for New Female Barristers hosted by WBF & WLANSW, Friday 19th October at The Law Society of NSW as detailed below, our annual Golden Girls ‘High Tea’ Luncheon Friday 16th November at The Law Society of NSW, and our AGM followed by cocktails, Tuesday 20th November at the Union, University & Schools Club. Other events are in the planning that we will announce as soon as details are confirmed.
Pilot testing for the Career Intentions Surveylaunched last month and there are still opportunities for you to provide support and sponsorship which are noted on the home page of our website. We thank the NSW Bar Association for their generous support as principal sponsor, Freehills as a major sponsor, and interest from other major law firms.
Prof Margaret Thornton from the Australian National University is looking for more NSW interviews in regard to theirsurvey Balancing Law & Lifeas detailed below, if you are able to assist with this valuable research.
Our Gold Sponsor, Australian Executive Trusteeshave provided a case study in regard to people with a disability, to demonstrate how they can be of assistance to you and your clients, as part of their range of fiduciary services.
We are also pleased to be a Telework Partner supporting the Australian Government’s aim to increase the take up of telework as part of its National Digital Economy Strategy which aims to position Australia as one of the world’s leading digital economies.
“Laugh, Breathe & Relax”, held at the Law Society of NSW on 4 September, delivered an experiential and fun session that provided participants the opportunity to learn the health benefits of laughter and meditation, and take away some practical tools. They were literally rolling on the floor with laughter! Facilitator Jackie Curran (centre in red cardigan & boots) is pictured below taking participants through their ‘laughter’ exercises. Please click here to visit the photo gallery.
We look forward to seeing you at an event soon.
Kind regards,
Rebecca Barry
18 September 2012
Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952.
For further information on joining or to renew your membership please contact our office or visit our website.
19th October, Friday 1.00pm – 2.00pm The Janet Coombs Lunch for New Female Barristers
Hosted by the Women Barristers Forum & WLANSW
Janet Coombs (L) pictured with Rhafae Millington at the IWD Breakfast hosted by Mosman Council 12 March 2012
Law Society of NSW, Level 2, 170 Phillip St, Sydney
Please join us and distinguished guests for our biannual lunch and meet the new women at the bar. Please click here for the Registration Form and RSVP with payment, $25pp fully inclusive, by 17 October to ensure adequate seating.
At Australian Executor Trustees (AET), we work with families’ trusted professionals such as lawyers and accountants to provide specialist estate planning advice and trustee services. We work closely with lawyers and accountants to help them help their clients who have a relative with a disability, such as a child or grandchild.
Did you know in Australia, almost 20 per cent of people have a disability? And this number is only increasing with an ageing population.
Through our experience in dealing with vulnerable clients, we understand that while caring for a family member with a disability can be very rewarding, it’s a huge responsibility and, in some cases, a full-time occupation. And sometimes a responsibility that people do not want to pass down the family tree.
Working closely with lawyers and accountants, we have developed a range of fiduciary services, including specialist advice and structured estate and trustee services, to help you provide a holistic service to any of your clients who may be in this situation.
Our services cover the important issues, including:
•Control and protection of financial affairs (eg ensuring ongoing income and payment of bills)
•Healthcare (Who makes the important medical decisions?)
•Housing and wellbeing decisions (Who decides on day-to-day expenses?)
•Lifestyle maintenance (What are their routines, likes and dislikes?)
Thecase study is an example of how we deliver a valuable service, working in partnership with the client’s own family and you, their trusted advisers.
Women’s Legal Services NSW 30th Anniversary, Wednesday 26 September 2012
The organisation will acknowledge, celebrate and commemorate the achievements of the many staff and volunteers current and past, who have demonstrated outstanding dedication and commitment to advocating for women’s rights and representation in the legal system over the last 30 years. At the same time the organisation will launch its Foundation whose purpose will be to provide an ongoing independent source of funding for new initiatives and programs.
The evening will feature guest speaker the Hon. Justice Virginia Bell AO, MC Julie McCrossin, and smooth jazz music with a backdrop of fabulous views from the rooftop of the Museum of Contemporary Art. This will be a night to remember!
Telework is working regularly from a place other than the office, in most cases from a home office. It utilises information and communications technology to stay connected to colleagues and work systems.
The pending rollout of the NBN will be a key enabler for telework as high-definition interactive environments between the traditional workplace and a teleworker’s location of choice become a reality.
The Australian Government’s aim to increase the take up of telework is part of its National Digital Economy Strategy which aims to position Australia as one of the world’s leading digital economies. The telework goal is to double Australia’s level of telework by 2020, so that at least 12 per cent of Australian employees report having a telework arrangement with their employers.
Telework can deliver a broad range of benefits to individuals, employers, and the country as a whole – find out more, please visit the website: http://www.telework.gov.au/
BALANCING LAW AND LIFE – ANU College of Law Survey
Professor Margaret Thornton of the ANU College of Law at the Australian National University is conducting a research project examining the impact on work/life balance of changes in corporate legal practice. Recent developments include the emergence of global law firms, the creation of multidisciplinary practices and listing on the stock exchange, which have arisen from the adoption of competition policy.
The first stage of the research involves a short web-based questionnaire to get some idea of trends across the country. The survey takes only 5 to 10 minutes to complete. It is entirely anonymous and no identifying data is sought. Here is the link: https://www.research.net/s/worklifelaw
In the second stage, it is proposed to conduct interviews with lawyers and paralegals to explore the issues in more depth. Professor Thornton would welcome hearing from men and women prepared to talk about their experiences. All material would be treated as confidential. The research is supported by a grant from the Australian Research Council (DP120104785) and includes International Partner, Professor Richard Collier, University of Newcastle-on-Tyne, UK. Contact: margaret.thornton@anu.edu.au Ph 02 6125 8363.
Women in NSW 2012 report, the first annual report on women’s progress towards equality in NSW.
Chapter Five: Leadership and representation, provides an indicator on the proportion of women who are senior members of the legal profession ‘The professions of law and education are approaching a gender-balanced workforce, but women form a distinct minority in senior roles.’
Advocacy NSW Conference, The Grace Sydney, 16 October 2012
Advocacy at the cutting edge.
Nothing is as stressful as those first, early appearances in Court, and this program is specially designed to offer both information and opportunity to junior practitioners, or those wishing to enhance their advocacy skills. Learn with confidence in this practical, one-day program that not only offers guidance and tips from leading advocates in the morning, but also delivers the unique opportunity to practise adversarial skills in a realistic setting, in the afternoon streamed workshops.
Refresh your knowledge in advocacy fundamentals covering the areas of written submissions, gathering and presenting evidence, effective advocacy techniques, and ensuring a successful partnership between solicitor and barrister. Don’t miss this opportunity. Book now to take your advocacy skills to the next level, and join us for a day of quality learning, networking with peers and access to expertise. CPD/MCLE points
Register Online WLANSW Members receive 10% discount – please note when booking..
Nominations close at COB on Friday 21 September for the inaugural Lawyers Weekly Women in Law Awards, to be held in Melbourne on Friday 19 October.
With more than half of all law graduates being female, Lawyers Weekly believes it is time to highlight the enormous contribution women make to the legal profession.
It is our privilege to announce that Kate Ashmor, the newly-elected president of Australian Women Lawyers, the peak body for women lawyers associations throughout Australia, will be the evening’s MC for the Award’s ceremony at Zinc Bar, on Federation Square. A total of nine awards will be up for grabs on the night, highlighting the individual excellence of female lawyers working in private practice, corporations, government and at the Bar. Don’t miss your chance to attend this landmark event on the Australian legal calendar
Exclusive offer for members of Women Lawyers Association of NSW
Win a double pass to an advance screening of ARBITRAGE on Wednesday 19 September at 6.30pm at Event Cinema George St. Email executive@womenlawyersnsw.org.au with the subject heading ‘Arbitrage’. Only winners will be contacted
Starring: Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Tim Roth and Brit Marling A taut and alluring suspense thriller about love, loyalty, and high finance, ARBITRAGE stars Golden Globe® winner Richard Gere (CHICAGO), Academy Award® winner Susan Sarandon (THELMA & LOUISE) and Academy Award® nominee Tim Roth (ROB ROY).
On the eve of his 60th birthday, New York hedge-fund magnate Robert Miller (Richard Gere) is the portrait of success in American business and family life. But behind the gilded walls of his mansion, Miller is in over his head, desperately trying to complete the sale of his trading empire to a major bank before the depths of his fraud are revealed. Struggling to conceal his duplicity from loyal wife Ellen (Susan Sarandon) and brilliant daughter and heir-apparent Brooke (Brit Marling), Miller’s also balancing an affair with French art-dealer Julie Côte (Laetitia Casta). Just as he’s about to unload his troubled empire, an unexpected bloody error forces him to juggle family, business, and crime with the aid of Jimmy Grant (Nate Parker), a face from Miller’s past. One wrong turn ignites the suspicions of NYPD Detective Michael Bryer (Tim Roth), who will stop at nothing in his pursuits. Running on borrowed time, Miller is forced to confront the limits of even his own moral duplicity. Will he make it out before the bubble bursts?
Book a Dinner On Us package for any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening performance of Legally Blonde The Musical and receive an ‘A’ Reserve ticket plus a one-course pre-show meal with a glass of beer, wine or soft drink at your choice of Flying Fish & Chips at The Star, Oscars Bar & Restaurant Pyrmont or I Bistro at ibis Darling Harbour. Just $99.90 per person plus booking fees. Click here to book
Sydney Lyric, The Star – from 5 October
THE WORDS – your invitation to a special pre-release screening, Wednesday 3rd October, 7pm
All you need to do is click on the ‘click here to claim your tickets’ link on the invite below and book on-line. You will then receive an automated confirmation email that you print out and present at the door on the night. Seats are limited so book early!
Formed in 1997, AWL is the national body representing and funded by women lawyers associations in Australia. The current AWL Patron is the Honourable Chief Justice Diana Bryant of the Family Court of Australia.
Please feel free to pass this email onto colleagues and ensure they are on our email list for future updates and invitations.