June 3, 2013


Dear Members & Colleagues,

The winter chill has arrived to herald the start of the ski season, but the winter solstice is just weeks away on 21st June with the return of longer days. This will be followed shortly by the end of yet another financial year, and members should have received their membership renewal invitation via email, unless they have prepaid. If are not a member, please consider adding your support. Please click here to download the membership form.

Your membership support helps to fund projects such as our biennial NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards and Celebrating Women in the Judiciary, the Careers Intention Survey project which officially launched in April this year, our annual ‘Law as a Career – Coming to the Bar’ public forum during Law Week, our biannual The Janet Coombs Lunch for New Female Barristers, and our Golden Girls Annual Luncheon,which are regular features in our events calendar. Our ability to continue to represent the women in law in NSW, their interests and issues, depends on the contributions of our members.

The Committee is currently finalising a number of events for the remainder of 2013, including the opening for nominations of our 2013 NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards this month. Our upcoming major function for this year is the Awards Gala Presentation Dinner to be held on 25 October 2013 at Dockside Cockle Bay, Darling Harbour. We hope that you are able to join us and encourage you to ‘save the date’ and consider nominating one of our many outstanding women in law in NSW. 

Our Law as a Career – Coming to the Bar public forum on 15th May attracted well over 100 registrations. Our panel of guest speakers were Kylie Nomchong SC of Denman Chambers; Larissa Andelman of 15 Wardell Chambers; and Sarah Blakelock, Senior Associate of Ashurst. Kylie Nomchong’s address was the subject of an article by Lawyers Weekly ‘Fathers will help end discrimination at the bar.’  Please click to view photos from the event.

The Janet Coombs Lunch for New Female Baristers hosted by Women Barristers Forum and WLANSW 17th May at the Law Society of NSW, was a sold out event. The next luncheon will be held on 13th September.

WLANSW joined other organsations in the continuing discussions on Paid Parental Leave with our Submission to the FaHCSIA scheme review.  

WLANSW are proud to continue our support for the annual Women, Management and Work Conference hosted by Macquarie University 18-19 July 2013 at the Hilton Hotel Sydney. Please note early bird rates close 11 June as detailed below.

We invite you to join us at our next event, Use of voice – to connect and inspire your audience’ with guest presenter Lucy Cornell, Director of Voice Coach, hosted by Ashurst 5.30-7.30pm 27th June. We also hope that you are able to celebrate Australian Women Lawyers 15th Anniversary at a Gala Dinner Saturday 17th August 2013, at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne. Further details are noted below. 

Kind regards,

Margaret Holz

3 June 2013


Support the organisation that has supported women in law since 1952.

For further information on joining or to renew your membership please contact our office or visit our website.

Click here for the Membership Form.

Kylie Nomchong pictured above left, with WLANSW President Margaret Holz.

“Use of voice – to connect and inspire your audience”

Guest Speaker Lucy Cornell, Director of Voice Coach
5.30 – 7.30pm Thursday 27th June 2013
Ashurst, Level 36, George Street, Sydney

Your voice is your means of establishing your power. Understanding how to use your voice will help you make your mark in your career.

The Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW and Ashurst’s Sydney Women in Mentoring (SWIM) program invite you to hear from Lucy Cornell about the use of your voice to connect and inspire those you speak to; be it your clients, your Partners or your colleagues. Lucy will explain the relationship between voice and power and how your voice is your means of influencing your audience. During the course of the evening, Lucy will also share with us some sophisticated techniques you can use immediately to assist you to develop vocal presence and power for strong, more effective conversations.

Cost: $35 Members; $45 Non-Members includes refreshments. 

Please click here for further information and registration.

Proudly hosted by:


Law Council of Australia:National Attrition and Re-engagement Study 

Research shows that there are significant gaps in diversity in more senior roles in the legal profession. Although women are graduating with law degrees and entering legal careers at higher rates than men, significantly fewer women continue into senior positions within the legal profession.

The Law Council of Australia has engaged Urbis to undertake a national research study, to address diversity within the legal profession. Through this study, the Law Council of Australia is seeking to obtain quantitative data and confirm trends in progression of both male and female lawyers, and produce a report outlining practical measures which can be implemented to address the causes of high attrition rates among women lawyers, and re-engage women lawyers who have left the profession. The results of the study will help guide future policy directions on how the profession can better retain its members. This online survey is one of a number of research activities being undertaken as part of the study. The survey will collect information relating to current employment, career moves and progression since admission and future career aspirations. 

Australian Women Lawyers 15th Anniversary Dinner
17th August 2013, Grand Hyatt Melbourne

Join us for a gala dinner at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne and listen to the inspiring words of Amanda Vanstone.

Celebrate 15 years of the achievements and contributions of Australian Women Lawyers at a gala dinner on Saturday 17 August 2013, at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne – where AWL was launched! Featuring Hon Amanda Vanstone as special guest speaker, VIP guests and other surprises!

VENUE: Grand Hyatt Melbourne,123 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000
TIME: 7:00pm pre-dinner drinks and canapes;7:30pm three-course dinner 
DRESS CODE: Lounge Suit 
COST:$110 Online bookings only – please click here. Limited tickets available.

Kate Ashmor, President of Australian Women Lawyers

PH: 0403 334 245, email: kate.ashmor@gmail.com


Call for Mentors: Sydney University Women’s Mentoring Program 

The Women’s Mentoring Program promotes the career development of female law students by pairing motivated female law students with women in the legal profession. The program is in its tenth consecutive year and continues to receive positive feedback from all our past participants. We pair students with mentors who are working in an area of law they are particularly interested in so that all our participants get the most out of the program. The program will be launched on August 7th at a cocktail evening at the Sydney offices of King & Wood Mallesons. Mentors will also be invited to a follow up event, the launch of Yemaya, which is Sydney University Law Society’s Journal on Gender and Sexuality, at the University of Sydney in October. These events are great networking opportunities, and will be part of the rewarding mentoring relationships that develop through the program. We would appreciate any lawyers to volunteer as mentors. We have had a surprisingly large amount of interest from students in public sector organisations (such as the DPP, Public Defenders Office, EDO etc) and also international law – so we are particularly calling for lawyers working in these areas. Please email Christina White, the Women’s Officer of the Sydney University Law Society, at women@suls.org.au if you are interested. 


Early bird registration closes on 11 June

Macquarie University invite you and your organisation to join in the celebration of 25 years of inspirational women’s conferences where outstanding leaders from industry, government, universities and unions share their expertise, knowledge and experience at the 2013 Women and Leadership Conference to be held from Thursday 18 to Friday 19 July 2013  at the Hilton Hotel Sydney.

Leading speakers include:

Key-note Dinner Speaker: Lisa Wilkinson, Network Nine
Åse Lunde, Managing Director, Lunde Risk Reduction AB, Sweden
Carol Austin, Investment Services, Director, Contango Asset Management
Ged Kearney, President, ACTU
Helen Conway, Director, Workplace Gender Equality Agency Limited
Romilly Madew, Chief Executive, Green Building of Australia
Terry Davis, CEO, Coca-Cola Amatil


To Register or for more information 

To download the brochure

Survey 2013 – Our Legal Market

Questionnaires Now Open: www.mahlab.com.au/survey2013

Have your say on the work issues affecting you

Mahlab is conducting its annual online survey and members are encouraged to participate. Complete a confidential questionnaire and be one of the first to obtain this valuable report.

Survey 2013 will compare remuneration, recruitment activity and retention as well as key employment experiences including job satisfaction, while providing valuable insight on Australia’s fast paced legal market.

Mahlab’s survey is recognised as the most comprehensive survey, reflecting trends and salary benchmarks across corporate and private practice.  All lawyers, in-house legal departments and law firms will look to Survey 2013 for information on remuneration, lawyer engagement and satisfaction as well as other emerging trends in the legal market place.

As a valued respondent you will be sent a link to the full report before it is released to the general public. Online questionnaires close on Tuesday 3 July. Please note that by completing the survey you consent to your data forming part of a published report, however, all personal information will remain strictly confidential.

For further information on Mahlab Recruitment and Survey 2013, visit mahlab.com.au


Who are Australian Women Lawyers (AWL)?

Formed in 1997, AWL is the national body representing and funded by women lawyers associations in Australia. The current AWL Patron is the Honourable Chief Justice Diana Bryant of the Family Court of Australia.

Please feel free to pass this email onto colleagues and ensure they are on our email list for future updates and invitations.

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For more information contact us:

Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc. Po Box R1120 NSW 1225
Ph: 0466 157 087 Fax: 1300 332 183

Copyright ©  Women Lawyers Association of NSW.

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