Events! 22 Oct:What does it take to be a ‘Woman of influence’? 28 Oct: Take charge of your career! 6 Nov: Brand You!Headshots!


Inspiration Before Breakfast Series – 
‘What does it take to be a ‘Woman of influence’?’

Wednesday, 22 October 2014 from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM
McCullough Robertson, Level 16, 55 Hunter Street, Sydney

Ever wondered how to have a voice of influence at the table, whether that is at the boardroom table, at the negotiating table, in your team meeting or even at the kitchen table?  Influencing senior stakeholders and maintaining strategic networks of influence takes work – it doesn’t automatically happen overnight.

On 22 October 2014, the WLN will host its third “Inspiration before Breakfast” event with Dr Catherine See from the Gravitas Leadership Group who will to share with us what it takes to be a ‘Woman of influence’?   During this session Dr Catherine See (Cathy) will discuss the sometimes controversial space of how women can best navigate cultural and organisational dynamics to influence positively within their roles.  Cathy will explore with us the ‘X Factors’ of influencing others and browse the research around how best to support talented women to thrive.

These informal seminars are about building your passion for your career and give you some food for thought to make your experience in law a more positive one. We hope to see you secure your place for a morning filled with ideas, breakfast assortments and coffee – all before you start your work day.

The “Inspiration Before Breakfast” event series is proudly hosted by McCullough Robertson Lawyers, who have offices nationally across Australia.  All WLN events are designed to allow personal development, inspiration and networking to fit within life as a busy lawyer. This event will start at 7am with networking over breakfast and finish at 8:30am sharp so you can make it to work on time. As always, you are welcome to invite any colleagues, friends or clients – male or female – as your guests for just $20.

Members Complimentary;  Non-Members & Guests $20pp. Tickets limited so book early! Please click here for registration. 


About Cathy
Cathy is a business consultant who provides strategic advice in relation to leadership, organisational strategy and capability management across professional services environment.  She has strong research interests in workplace learning and leadership development having completed her doctoral studies considering post-graduate learning in private law firms. Cathy delivers pre-partner leadership programs for private law firms in Australia and executive coaching across a number of Australian organisations. She holds a Bachelor of Nursing, a Master of Business Administration and a Doctor of Business Administration.




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Workshops Over Wine Series: Take charge of your career!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM 
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia
Level 18, 225 George Street, Sydney

Do you have a strategic plan for your working life? Or even for this year? Whether you run your own practice or work for someone else, you need to make sure you are in charge of your career.

If you aren’t sitting in the driver’s seat of your career, you are likely to miss out on strategic opportunities and drift from job to job without a real plan in place. And when the road gets rough, you could easily lose your way. Come along to this session and discover the essentials for steering a course toward a more satisfying and successful career, even during challenging times.

In this informative (and entertaining) session, Joanna Maxwell will highlight the tips and tricks to help you make the most of career opportunities (and identify them in the first place). As well as building blocks such as strengths, skill development and attitude, you’ll think about what success means to you, how to widen your circle of work relationships and influence and how to stay on track and keep moving in your career.

About Joanna

Joanna Maxwell uses the rigor and analytical skills she learned working as a lawyer for over a decade, mixed with a dollop of creative thinking, in order to help clients advance their careers (or reinvent their working life entirely), find new possibilities, generate ideas and solve all kinds of problems in the workplace.

Joanna’s qualifications include International Coach Federation PCC accreditation, Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training, B.A. and L.L.M. She is currently completing a Master of Education. She has published two books (with another in the pipeline) and has been a freelance journalist for many years, writing for publications including AFR BOSS.

Joanna has survived walking on fire and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, and while she wouldn’t necessarily want to repeat either of those adventures, she’s a keen traveller with journeys through the Middle East, India, Africa, Borneo, Burma and Tibet under her belt. She is also hopelessly addicted to obscure sci-fi shows like Jericho and Firefly.

Members Complimentary;  Non-Members & Guests $20pp. Tickets limited so book early!
Please click here for registration.

The “Workshops Over Wine” event series is proudly hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright Australia.

Brand You! Headshots!
Hosted by WLANSW & the Law Society of NSW

Guest Speakers: Maria Newport, Newport O’Connor & Annalisa Armitage, My Image Consultant Photographer: Luke Potter Photography

5pm for 6pm Presentation, concluding at 7.30pm Thursday 6th November 2014
Law Society of NSW, 170 Phillip Street, Sydney

Join us and our team of experienced professionals for a lively, informative and hands-on session that will enhance your personal brand, image and profile!

Experienced Executive coach, Maria Newport will help you identify What is your personal brand? How do you manage it? and What you need to do to leverage it effectively.

Annalisa Armitage is a certified professional Image Consultant and Stylist and will provide you with tips that you can start to implement straight away.

Luke Potter Photography specialises in ‘headshots’The first impression most people have of you will be your profile photo, and Luke will bring out and show your best qualities.

Members $25pp Non-Members $35pp Photo $30  Please click here for further information and registration.

Please click here for the  Guide to prepare for your session shoot.



For more information contact us:

Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales Inc. Po Box R1120 NSW 1225
Ph: 0466 157 087 Fax: 1300 332 183

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