Nominate an Outstanding Woman Lawyer for the 2015 NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards

Nominations for the 2015 NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards are presently open until 30 June 2015.

The Awards were launched as an ongoing initiative of WLANSW in 2007, having been held twice previously in 1995 and in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of WLANSW in 2002.

This year new categories of Outstanding Law Firm of 2015 and Woman Lawyer of the Year 2015 have been introduced. These new categories acknowledge the important role that firms and workplaces have to play in advancing initiatives that support women lawyers, and acknowledge the fantastic contribution that members of the now 9 000 large network of WLANSW members continue to make.

Winners of this year’s Awards will be announced at a Gala Presentation Dinner on Friday 11 September 2015, commencing at 7:30pm at Dockside Cockle Bay Darling Harbour.

Taking up WLANSW’s 2015 theme of “Engagement”, the Gala Dinner will feature the Honourable Quentin Bryce AD CVO and the Honourable Justice Jane Mathews in conversation.

A prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award will also be presented to a senior woman for her longstanding commitment to women lawyers. Previous recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award have been:

The Honourable Mary Gaudron QC (2002)

The Honourable Justice Jane Mathews AO (2007)

The Honourable Justice Virginia Bell AC (2009)

The Honourable Elizabeth Evatt AC (2011)

The Honourable Justice Margaret Beazley AO (2013).

The Achievement Awards are a wonderful opportunity for workplaces and the profession to recognise the contribution of their valued women leaders, and for women lawyers to celebrate the very real difference to their successes that supportive work environments can make.

To nominate a woman lawyer or firm for the 2015 Awards, please visit and complete a nomination form.

To sponsor an Award, please visit

For more information about the NSW Women Lawyers Achievement Awards, visit

We hope to see as many as can join us in celebrating the excellent accomplishments of our outstanding women at our Gala Presentation Dinner.

Lee-May Saw
Women Lawyers’ Association of NSW