The role of legal education in reconciliation- experiences, barriers and opportunities Loren Collyer is a proud Bandjin Woman who is passionate about advancing Aboriginal people through social justice and education. Loren talks about barriers and opportunities for young Indigenous students in entering the legal profession; Reconciliation and Reconciliation Action plans in legal practice – Why is this important and what role can we play?
Book Launch & Christmas Drinks, Newcastle – 24 November 2021 Speakers: Dr Kcasey McLoughlin, Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Law School Kcasey is an early career researcher and social commentator who probes the notion of gendered difference in Australian law. Kcasey crafted her PhD thesis, critically interrogating the impact of gender within the High Court of Australia. This book seeks to understand how women judges are situated as legal knowers on the High Court of Australia by asking whether a near-equal gender balance on the High Court has disrupted the Court’s historically masculinist gender regime. and The Hon Justice Margaret Cleary, Family Court of Australia
‘LGBTQIA+ Diversity Challenges in the Workplace’ 23 September 2021 Speaker: Katherine Maver, Past President of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association and Senior Managing Consultant IBM. Click here for event details.
‘Welcome to the Law’ 2021 Series Click here for event details. Click here to access the webinar recordings – please note they are only available to registered participants. November 12 2020 ‘Welcome to the Law’ – Webinar 4: Performing on paper and in court – advocacy, court & tribunal etiquette Please click here for event details.
October 22 2020 ‘Welcome to the Law’ – Webinar 3: Me Inc – Building your brand & online marketing for the lawyer in the online world Please click here for event details.
October 01 2020 ‘Welcome to the Law’ – Webinar 2: Things I wish I had known – tips, tricks & insider knowledge Please click here for the event details
September 22 2020 Elimination of Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession – Male Leaders Speak Please click here for the event details
September 10 2020 ‘Welcome to the Law’ – Webinar 1: Job outlook and alternative pathways to law Please click here for the event details
July 1 2020 Practise social distancing but not vocal distancing: How to speak with influence when working remotely Please log in to view the webinar. Please click here for the event details
June 18 2020 Workplace Flexibility – Post COVID-19

Approaching the ‘new normal’ within a principled framework. Please log in to view the webinar. A practical approach and guidance to the many layers of working flexibly and how it could work from the employees’ and the employers’ perspectives. We will critically analyse the opportunities, pitfalls, responsibilities and rights surrounding the notion of ‘flexible work’. Please click here for the event details.
May 5 2020 Future Law ‘Transparency, technology and teaching: an eye for justice’ Hosted by HFW, Guest Speaker Professor Tania Sourdin. Professor Tania Sourdin’s career has spanned the globe as a consultant and specialist expert in a range of complex programs across the justice sector. In this session, Professor Sourdin spoke to WLANSW members about technology and the practice of law and its impact upon the profession and delivery of justice. Professor Sourdin discussed how supportive, replacement and disruptive technology were impacting upon the profession, noting that with the rise of use in technology, there is an expectation by many that disputes should be dealt with in an online forum whilst still ensuring ethical standards and transparency are maintained. Key takeaways of predictors for the future were: · Supportive technology – In the next 5-10 years we can expect changes by most courts to allow for easier lodgement of claims and a shift towards managing disputes online, the end effect being easier access to justice. · Replacement technology – Expectations are to see significant growth in the next 5-10 years. For example, through Online Dispute resolution (including virtual assistants and bots), E-courts/E-Arbitrations and AI administrative government agency decision making. · Disruptive technology – These types of technologies are some distance away compared to the other two forms of technology. Whilst there are possible benefits, these may also lead to job loss/alternations, threats to privacy and loss of social interaction. This change may alter what a judge or arbitrator will look like and AI may replace some decision making. Thank you Professor Sourdin for such an insightful and interesting presentation! Please click here for the event details.